今天来搭一套,AI 图像生成器 是基于 Openai DALLE 2 和 Openai DALLE 3 以及 Stability AI 和稳定扩散 API 构建的脚本,为用户提供了使用简单的提示和大小生成独特自定义图像的可能性。在这个平台上,创意得以快速、高效地实现,借助…
1.composer命令下载laravel报如下错 : curl error 18 while downloading https://repo.packagist.org/p2/symfony/uid.j son: transfer closed with 3808 bytes remaining to read,具体为 解决方案:执行以下命令切换镜像
>composer con…
mysql 一对多 合并多个通过 逗号拼接展示
以上内容由chatgpt中文网 动态生成
SELECTuser_id,project_id,GROUP_CONCAT(project_specs_id) AS merged_specs_ids
WHEREspecs_num_total < 5
GROUP BYuser_id, project_id;laravel model 对应写…
使用laravel时报错如下:adMethodCallException: This cache store does not support tagging.
Cache tags are not supported when using the file or database cache drivers. The Entrust package probably uses them somewhere. Yo…
1.增加中件间 ApiAuth.php
<?phpnamespace App\Http\Middleware;use Closure;
use Tymon\JWTAuth\Facades\JWTAuth;
use Tymon\JWTAuth\Exceptions\JWTException;
use Tymon\JWTAuth\Exceptions\TokenExpiredException;
use Tymon\JWTAuth\Exceptions\T…
Homestead PHP 版本问题 打开网页的时候显示 Fatal error: Composer detected issues in your platform: Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version “> 7.2.5”. You are running 7.1.33-18ubuntu20.04.1deb.sury.org1. in /home/vagrant/Code/Laravel/vendor/com…
Heres how to mix three audio files into one: 以下是将三个音频文件混合为一个的方法: ffmpeg -i alex.aiff -i fred.aiff -i whisper.aiff -filter_complex "[0:0][1:0] amixinputs3:durationlongest" out.mp3Note the inputs3 part as were mixing t…
wordpress显示摘要The source code highlighting was probably the first feature I was missing in WordPress. I briefly googled my options and decided it would be quicker to add the missing feature myself, since it looked pretty straightforward. 突出显示源代码可…
牧场物语 牧场规划Theres a book promotion event this week at the JavaRanchs HTML and JavaScript forum, ranchers are asking all kinds of interesting questions about my OOJS book. There will be a free book giveaway at the end of the week, so come in and join …
Dont you just love discovering new treasures?! Today I stumbled upon a Google/ex-Urchin javascript - urchin.js. Scrolling down the file with no apparent purpose in mind, I though I saw some >> and <<s. A second look? Yep, these do look like b…
hg19索引文件还原(Revert) hg revert -r .^ filename提交中有什么内容? (Whats in a commit?) hg tip -vp忘记这些未跟踪的文件 (Forget these untracked files) hg purgeTell your friends about this post on Facebook and Twitter 在Facebook和Twitter上告诉您…
Laravel10中提示了Target *classController does not exist,为什么呢? 原因是:laravel8开始写法变了。换成了新的写法了 解决方法一: 在路由数组加入App\Http\Controllers\即可。 <?phpuse Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;…
laravel项目结构Open your project: At first, we will see the main directories which we are using the most and which are useful. 打开您的项目:首先,我们将看到我们使用最频繁且最有用的主目录。 Projects: 项目: Database create 数…
I remember reading a discussion over at Sitepoint - has the fun gone out of PHP? No it isnt! No way, the fun is here... or should I say PHun 😉 我记得在Sitepoint上阅读过讨论-PHP带来的乐趣了吗? 不,不是! 没办法&am…
Here are some convenient tools Ive added to my TextPad editor, hope youll like em. 这是一些我已添加到TextPad编辑器中的便捷工具,希望您会喜欢它们。 TextPad工具 (TextPad tools) Stuff can easily be added to TextPads Tools menu, like I did, shown on …
User::whereRaw(BINARY(code?), $code)->exists();注释:生成差不多这个sql,select * from users where BINARY(codeXXX);
laravel报错:requires ext-dom * -> the requested PHP extension dom is missing from your system. 出错信息如下:
Crafting application… Loading composer repositories with package information Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from l…
注:需求不一样则业务逻辑不一样 不说废话,直接干!!!!
CREATE TABLE t_user_sign (id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,user_id int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 用户ID,days int(11) NOT NU…
超人工智能So far (end of chapter 1, just before jumping into the OO part) the book doesnt say a word about superglobals. I think this is an important topic and I suppose there must be questions about the superglobals on the exam. 到目前为止(第1章结尾&#…
Laravel 是一款流行的 PHP Web 框架,设计用于构建现代、优雅且功能强大的 Web 应用程序。它提供了一套丰富的工具和库,以简化常见的开发任务,同时保持灵活性和可扩展性。以下是 Laravel 框架的一些主要特性: 优雅的语法࿱…
SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2013 Lost connecti…
hyperf 防止xss攻击自定义中间件封装
<?phpdeclare(strict_types1);namespace App\Middleware;use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;…
laravel部署到服务器Deploying Laravel to Elastic Beanstalk with Runtime 2 (PHP 7.4)使用Runtime 2(PHP 7.4)将Laravel部署到Elastic Beanstalk If you recently tried to deploy a Laravel app to elastic beanstalk using nginx PHP 7.4 then you must know that whenev…
js同步阻塞Update Oct 2013: for a more bulletproof version, tested in the wild, IE and all, check Philips snippet at http://www.lognormal.com/blog/2012/12/12/the-script-loader-pattern/ 2013年10月更新:要获得在野外,IE和所有环境中经过测试…
1. 后端登录代码
<?phpnamespace CriusWeb\FzUserAdmin\Http\Controllers;use App\Models\Admin;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Http\Response;
use Illuminate\Routing\Controller;
use I…
版权声明: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_29785317/article/details/81068733 (When you have two or more sites on one server, the sites’s .env will affect each other)
这个问题多半发生在 Apache上,因为加载.env文件的时候用了 getenv() 和 sete…
php is_dir 无效PHP is_dir()函数 (PHP is_dir() function) The full form of is_dir is "Is Directory", the function is_dir() is used to check whether a file system is a directory or whether a directory exists or not. is_dir的完整格式为“ Is Director…
直接调用后,count查询会和实际查询的数据对不上,count还是查询全部数据,而实际的列表是去重的。 给distinct加上参数,比如去重的值的id,就加id。 另一种写法是使用group by id 子查询。
注: 本文章内计算距离所使用地球半径统一为 6378.138 km
public function mpa_list($latitude,$longitude,$distance){// $latitude 34.306465;// $longitude 10…
创建一个任务,创建成功后会在App/Console/Commands中生成一个以Test命名的文件,我们可以在这里面写我们的任务指令。 php artisan make:command Test 运行这个定时任务 run 是运行一次,我们可以用来测试是否成功,work是一直运行&a…
laravel中数据库配置I hope, after reading the project structure of Laravel project, you will understand the concept of why we use the Laravel framework, its installation and Its important directories. Its pre-defined directories made easy everything creatin…
求前缀后缀真前缀真后缀The PHP certification guide is short but perfectly clear on the topic of postfix and prefix operations. My only remark is that due to the font used in this book, the pre/postfix decrement (--) is displayed as one long dash ὤ…
在使用json_contains查询MySQL表里面的JSON字段数据时,报错:3141 Invalid JSON text in argument 1 to function json_contains: "The document is empty." at position 0. 经过
Laravel Class Facade\Ignition\IgnitionServiceProvider not found 问题解决 问题
在使用laravel 更新本地依赖环境时,出现报错,如下: 解决
PWA(Progressive Web App,渐进式Web应用)是一种利用Web技术构建的应用程序,旨在提供类似原生应用的体验。
A.Alice and Bob 正常打表状态转移(如果该点可以转移到0点则当前点一定赢) #include <bits/stdc.h>
using namespace std;
using ll long long ;
bool vis[5005][5005];
void solve(){int x,y;cin>>x>>y;cout<<(vis[x][y]?"Alice\n":"…
车祸模拟器怎么慢动作Crashed the car two days ago. The road was all ice, with just a bit of snow covering it. Raining, very cold, awful weather. I went out to return the books to the library and a DVD to the video store. Several times when I hit the breaks …
注: 本文章内计算距离所使用地球半径统一为 6378.138 km
public function mpa_list($latitude,$longitude,$distance){// $latitude 34.306465;// $longitude 10…
[409] ClientException in RequestException.php line 113
Client error: GET http://b.k2.fwycg.com:8170/wgs/v1/openapi/products?productName&upcBarcode&barcoder&fnsku&businessCode&warehouseCodeUS-HSAJ resulted in a 409 Conflict response 搜索…
composer require bschmitt/laravel-amqp
<?phpreturn [/*|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| Define which configuration should be used|----------------------------…
因有些功能不支持,所以新增了某些功能,以防后期变动不好变更,手动做个记录 将公式替换成指定的符号,读取到 html 后读取 xml 解析公式,根据标记符号进行替换 文件名PhpOffice\PhpWord\Shared\XMLReader.php public fun…
先说下情况,就是我要做一个发送附件的邮件发送功能,结果,报错:The path cannot be empty。给我整的有点迷糊,网上也没有类似的问题。后来,我检查了一下代码,发现有个地方,是需要给附…